Yogyakarta is one of the city is very well known tourist destination in addition there is a palace where there is Kasultanan Hamengkubuwono and also a museum castle vanderberg, malioboro as a sales center of silver handicrafts and also various types of batik. if you come to Gudeg City need not worry because it is very easy to find the
cheap hotel where you stay. along the way Sosrowijayan you will find a cheap hotel, and almost every hotel there will be a pedicab driver is ready to take you to the place you're going, and most of them speak fluent English so you need not worry.
Sosrowijayan street located very close to the road malioboro which is the city center. hotels in the region has a price ranging from Rp 70,000 to the price of Rp 250,000 per room. depending on your taste and budget your vacation.
105 homestay |
One of the cheaper hotels are located on the road Sosrowijayan are:
105 homestay
[Address :
Sosrowijayan wetan GT 1 / 105 Yogyakarta 55271.
Phone +62 274 582896]
Family Homestay
Jl. Sosrowijayan No. 47 Jogjakarta Indonesia
Phone / Fax. +62 274 515010]